Canadian River Dental Hygienists’ Society CE
Speaker: Dr. Jacob Hager Location and Topic: TBD
Speaker: Dr. Jacob Hager Location and Topic: TBD
Topic: Ethics (1 CEU) Speaker: Cheryl Bates, RDH Dinner from 5:15-6:00 pm Class starts at 6:00 pm Cost: Free to TCDHS members, $25.00 for potential members
Speaker, Location, and Topic - To Be Announced
We will be meeting at Variety Care where one of their wonderful staff members will be giving a tour of the dental clinic and talking to us about all of the service that they offer to the public, especially their…
Topic: The TISSUE is the ISSUE, but the BONE sets the TONE Speaker: Dr. Mary Hamburg, Periodontist 2 Hrs. C.E. credit for Dental Professionals RSVP to (580) 302-4246 or Free to ADHA members $25 for Non-members