Dear Fellow Dental Hygienists, Recently, one of our colleagues, Candice Davis, was in a tragic accident on July 7, 2024,…
New Laser Usage Requirements
The Board of Dentistry has received many questions regarding the laser advanced procedure for hygienists. The statute went into effect July 1, 2023, however, the rules are set to go into effect September 1, 2023. License renewal begins October 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The Board will have a grace period for lasers advanced procedures through January 1, 2024. This will allow time for hygienists to submit documentation to the Board to have this advanced procedure added to their 2024 license. If you are a hygienist that has been using a laser within the guidelines as listed by the rules in excess of two years, your supervising dentist may sign an affidavit as to your proficiency and you will be grandfathered in. The rules with the additional advanced procedures have been posted on the Boards website since November of 2022, and were on the agenda at the November 2022, January and March Board meetings for discussion and voting also. The Boards duty is to protect the public. Additionally, the Board is committed to continually review all of the statutes and rules regularly as dental practice evolves with new technology and procedures. The Board welcomes any written suggestions.
*there is a laser certification application on the BOD website for individuals who currently hold laser certifications
You can find information about the use of lasers and the application HERE (link also below):
Link to Board of Dentistry’s Website:
Link to “Information for New Advanced Procedures for RDH” from OKBOD website: