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Final Status of SB 781

The ODHA has been closely following the process of SB781. It was concerning to us for many reasons, the main reason being that it could allow an oral maxillofacial surgery assistant with only four hours of on the job training to assist with administering anesthesia to patients. The bill passed the House on Thursday morningApril 23, 2015 by a vote of 88-11. SB 781 will now go to the Governor for signature and will become law, unless it is vetoed.
The following PDF contains the explanation of the final process for SB781. Read this: Final Status of SB 781
The legislators are listed who voted against the bill. Please take the time to send a short thank you note to each of them for listening to the facts and not being afraid to vote no for the right reason. Please feel free to write and ask your family to write the Governor and list your concerns…..
After reading attachment go to the link below to see the debate on House floor.     
Go to bottom of page to ON Demand Videos 2015. Click on House Session-Legislative Day 47   Apr. 23, 2015,  9:00 AM (click on video and then select SB 781 from list.)
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